Why Playing Video Games is Better Hobby Than Most

5 min readSep 14, 2020


Photo by sadeq shahsvan on Unsplash

I find it ironic when the media and many adults blame video games for the violence, social problems, and unproductivity in their children’s lives.

I have personal experience playing video games while leading a productive and sociable life. I have met many people, even adults, that play video games and hold a full-time job.

For instance, my mother is a teacher and one of her teaching buddies plays video games as their primary hobby.

Hopefully, my experience and evidence can shed light on how video games can be a worthwhile hobby.

Community and Culture

Photo by Fredrick Tendong on Unsplash

Video games are often seen as a passive and unsociable experience, but this is far from true.

Video gaming culture has a unique and extensive community. There are three primary platforms that people play in the gaming community. PC, console, and phone. For instance, a lot of people play and love the Call of Duty franchise games. Within the Call of Duty community, there is a certain dynamic that can never be matched to any other game’s community.

Throughout the three gaming platforms are thousands of games that are then divided up into their unique communities of people. Each person then plays and interacts with their favorite games, and in each of these games’ communities, they meet many other people. This type of environment breeds a unique communal experience.

With this in mind, playing video games is not an unsociable hobby. There are plenty of games with engaged communities that are willing to make new friends who are interested in the same thing. There are huge forums dedicated to discussing the ins and outs of specific games. Many conversations happen there as well as in-game.

Playing video games is the best way to meet people who are interested in the same things you are!


Photo by Branko Stancevic on Unsplash

Yes, you can develop useful skills while playing video games.

Some video games are exceedingly complicated. Take Factorio, a factory assembly line manipulation game. That game is intricate beyond comprehension. It takes a lot of management and anticipation skills to play a game like that. You learn a lot in the process and broaden your capacity.

Other games have similar complexities to Factorio, such as Satisfactory, Rimworld, and Frostpunk. Games like these serve as examples that not all video games are designed to be brain dead activities. Strategizing in games like these requires advanced critical thinking skills and planning far ahead.

Other games involve more motor skills than long term strategic plans. Take Counter-Strike: Global Offensive or CS:GO. In that game, I perform quick actions to eliminate other players with my selected firearm. CS:GO requires team-orientated decision making. Communication is essential for developing a winning strategy during a competitive match. These strategies can vary based on many variables and takes a lot of practice to perfect.

Other games like CS: GO are PUBG, Valorant, and Tom-Clancy’s Rainbow Six Seige, and Dota 2. All of these games rely heavily on team-oriented decision making. These games serve as fantastic gateways for increasing skills in communication, leadership, strategy, and motor development. All of these games have large e-sport followings because of their competitive nature.

If you get good enough at a video game, you could compete in large tournaments and win money! Also, because of your interest in games, you could be led down a path to develop one yourself. How many hobbies can do that for you?


Photo by Kalea Jerielle on Unsplash

Video games are addictive. I have experienced this addiction myself. I have consistently played video games as a hobby for about a decade. Occasionally I’ve gotten so transfixed on a game that nothing else seems to matter. Even when I’m doing something else, I think about my next strategy or match I’m going to play. For instance, CS:GO, I have played since I was 14. I have logged over 1,100 hours. I had long stretches in which that game was my primary focus in life.

As I’ve gotten older, my addiction has faded. However, I still value video games as a great hobby in which I spend time with friends and challenge myself with difficult strategies and gameplay. However, not everyone’s experience is the same.

In Japan, video game addiction is labeled as a national problem. In a recent study, it was discovered that 18.3% of people aged 10–29 played an average of 3–4 hours of video games a day. This is a staggering figure.

Even so, I think that video games can serve as a sociable, skillful, and intelligent activity. Of course, there has to be moderation. Video games are not what the media makes them out to be.


Like anything else, video games should be played in moderation. Playing 8–10 hours a day isn’t productive. Some people stream themselves playing video games and make a living wage. However, extremely few people ever make it that far, and it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be the next big thing.

If playing video games is treated as a hobby instead of a lifestyle it can turn out to be a valuable pastime. I’ve met interesting people, challenged myself, and made friends all while sitting at home. It’s a unique and rewarding hobby if done correctly.

Why Not Just Watch TV?

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Watching TV is a passive and disengaging activity. Your brain isn’t stimulated the same way a video game would. You aren’t challenged by watching TV and you aren’t making any friends.

Video games make a much better pastime as they allow you to challenge yourself, engage with unique communities, and experience new things. Other hobbies can offer similar benefits to video games, but your community may be sparse and unreachable. With video games, your community and interests are always within a finger’s reach.

Why not give it a go?




I skipped college, now I write for fun and not for grades.